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Got 8 Minutes? How to Build a Fat-Burning Burst Training Workout
Written by JJ Virgin
If you’re used to spending long hours on the treadmill or bike, get ready to change your idea of working out. Long, steady endurance cardio is officially out the window. In fact, that slow plodding away on the elliptical machine or stair-climber may actually be making you lose muscle and store fat!
5 Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves About How They Spend Their Time
Written by Pedram Shojai
You ultimately decide where the precious time, money, and energy of your life are allocated.   Think of this blended currency of time, energy, and money as the "water" of your life force, and think of your life as a garden. You've got "plants," or important things in your life, that you need to keep watering....
The Real Story About “Good” and “Bad” Cholesterol [Part 1 of 2]
Written by JJ Virgin
A generation ago, patients only heard whether their cholesterol was high or low. Now, most people understand there’s actually “good” and “bad” cholesterol, and your annual physical measures both HDL and LDL.   But what exactly do those tests mean?
How to Improve Your Cholesterol Levels Naturally with Diet [Part 2 of 2]
Written by JJ Virgin
Over 40% of Americans have elevated cholesterol, putting them at increased risk for heart attack and stroke, not to mention gallstones, liver disease, and severe digestive issues. It doesn’t have to be that way, and it doesn’t require a prescription to make a significant change!
How To Train Your Immune System, According To A Functional Medicine Expert
Written by Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D.
Through diet and lifestyle, we are learning how to reduce our body's production of damaged immune cells. We are learning how to eliminate those cells and clear out their messaging. We are learning how to replace those damaged cells with new immune cells, unencumbered by that messaging. This is what it means to immuno-rejuvenate...
4 Really Surprising Ways Exercise Makes You Feel Better
Written by JJ Virgin
...have you ever noticed how much happier you feel after you work out?   That’s not just because you made good choices about your health! Exercise is key to building muscle and improving heart health, but there are some amazing advantages to working out that might surprise you...
Chili Peppers Are Good for Your Heart—Here Are 10 Hot Sauces To Help You Reap the Benefits
Written by Tehrene Firman
In the new analysis based on information from 570,000 individuals across United States, Italy, China and Iran, researchers found eating chili peppers could reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease death by 26 percent...
5 Resistance Band Leg Workouts That’ll Burn Out Your Lower Body in 30 Minutes or Less
Written by Rachel Lapidos
...nothing beats the simplicity of a resistance band for your home gym. The workout tool operates like a weight, giving you resistance and strengthening your muscles just as effectively, but it takes up way less space and weighs about as much as a scrunchie...
The Bedtime Routine That Helps Me Shut My Brain Down Each Night
Written by KATE ARENDS
My bedtime routine is my holy grail in terms of what will set me up for a restful slumber. After plenty of trial and error, I know what to do to get a good night’s sleep, and I for one find that putting the routine down on paper actually helps me follow through on it, night after night...
How to Clean Your Emotional House
You’ll see, when you feel that fire burning in your stomach, it will break down barriers. Anything you couldn’t deal with before. You can. You can now.
Written by DERYN MACEY
Not only are sugar substitutes confusing to begin with, but marketing makes it even trickier to determine what’s what. Today we’ll clear up some questions by going over the healthiest sugar substitutes you can use to replace refined sugar in your diet...
This 10-Minute, 10-Move Oblique Workout Is the Only Thing You Need To Do Today
Written by Tehrene Firman
Those very important muscles that run along the sides of your torso are also key for mobility, allowing you to bend forward and sideways with ease, as well as properly rotate your body from side to side. They also support your lower back and keep your posture in check....

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